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its pretty easy just keep killing raiders, scavengers, raid places, and loot everything.

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Q: How do you get a lot of caps in fallout 3?
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What is more fun to play fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas?

In my opinion Fallout New Vegas is. In Fallout NV it is easier to make caps so you can buy better wepons and ammo. In Fallout 3 It's hard to make a lot of caps in the begining making it a slow start. But is you want to test your skills play Fallout 3.

How do you get caps in fallout 3?

You can sell your stuff. Or you can kill people to get it. :)

What are the cheats in Fallout 3?

Sorry, but there aren't any "cheats" in Fallout 3. There are, however mods for the PC version but that is all. Also, there are glitches to get more caps and such that can be counted as cheats if you want.

What is the money for fallout 1?

bottle caps

What is the use of pre war money in fallout 3?

No, but you can sell them for caps, and it has no weight; so you can hold as many as you want.

How many stars did fallout 3 get?

a lot of stars when it came out

What do you do with the fingers in Fallout 3?

Take them to the Regulator HQ and they will give you a regulator duster and some caps for every finger you bring them.

What does hiring nova in fallout 3 do?

She is a hooker but does nothing but sleep does not provide any bonuses or active effects not worth the caps.

How do you enter paradise falls on fallout 3?

You Can't Sneak In, You Have To Capture Some Slaves For Grouse The Gate Guard Or Pay Him Some Caps.

Is Fallout 3 available for PlayStation 2?

Fallout 3 for PS2?Don't think so sorry, but there are still a lot of new PlayStation 2 games coming out.

In fallout 3 where are the broken pipes?

There lots of broken pipes in Fallout 3... mind you 200 years ago there was a nuclear war, so a lot of pipes broke. You can find quite a lot in abandoned metro stations.

What is the cheat for unlimited caps for fallout 3 on playstation 3?

sell a rocket launcher to a mearcher then buy it back and repeat till u get all their money and do the same to other merchants