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Q: How do you get a king suit on the Nabooti cellphone?
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What is the cellphone in nabooti on Poptropica for?

when your on nabooti island on poptropica when you get the cellphone dail 911 and you will turn into a cop

How do you use the cellphone in Poptropica?

i finished nabooti a while ago but i was just on poptropica and i was looking through my items and i found the cellphone. i clicked use and dialed 911. then the cellphone went away and i had a police officer uniform on!!

Where is the telephone on Nabooti Island on poptropica?

The cellphone is at the bottom of the cave in the mountains where the goats are go to the top and enter the cave and the cellphone in down at the bottom of the cave hope it helps ^^

What is the cellphone for in nabooti?

first you have to go to Nabooti and buy the hat thing. Go to Giza and talk to the first man you see and he gives you a shovel when you have the shovel you can get the cellphone and call 555-6789. His men will run off when everyone goes away you can go to his bag . Go to the top of the sphinx and place the thing you found in the bag in the circle . Get inside and complete Nabooti!!!

What would happen if you you called 1337 on your cellphone on nabooti?

you look like a nerd And if you dial 911 you get a cop hat

Where was the nabooti jewel found?

one of the jewls is found in Mountains of the moon and go in the cave where you got your cellphone and go to the right

How do you get a cop suit in poptropica?

After you get the cell phone on Nabooti island you use it to dial 911

How do you get a santa suit on poptropica?

You can't get a Santa suit, but the Elf Suit can be costumized on Nabooti Island by dialing 1225 on the cell phone (note : it does not come right back off!).

How do you get a cellphone on nabooti on poptropica?

You have to go to mountain of the moon, beat the man at mancala, and at the bottom left of the cave is the cell phone. Hope this helped!

What is the thing that fits in the ring on nabooti island?

The moonstone is in Vince's bag. You will need to distract him by calling him on the cellphone (the number is on the shovel, 555-6789).

Where do you find the sellphone in nabooti in poptropica?

you get the cellphone from mountains of th moon and play mancala with a old man so you can go inside the cave.

What do you use the miner's hat for on Nabooti Island?

put it on and go past the guy with the yellow suit in the mines