Go to redeem codes and type ffcfreevehicle4u then go to your account and u have a hoverboard.
This code is NO LONGER VALID.
There is two working codes now:
For a Brainstorm Backpack:
Code: ffcmrsmartypants
Expires:6/04/2010 (This Friday!)
For a Water Hazard Helmet:
Code: ffcmyjumboshrimp
Expires:6/11/2010 (Next Friday)
enter the code ffcfreevehicle4u in the redeem code select the player you want to have it on and click redeem and get in the game
In order to receive a hoverboard, first make sure that all six slots in your inventory are empty. Input this code into the Redeem Code Box "ffcspecialthanks." Once you press Redeem and enter your login and password information, the hoverboard should be added to your inventory.
What you do is go to the pokey oaks south and go to the present place and all that stuff and find number 767 and buy a car or a hoverboard.....and they cost 2000 credits
sorry there is no cheat for the hoverboard.
you will have to get a fusion matter generator for fusionfall
ffcfreevechile4u gives u ben 10 hoverboard
enter the code ffcfreevehicle4u in the redeem code select the player you want to have it on and click redeem and get in the game
In order to receive a hoverboard, first make sure that all six slots in your inventory are empty. Input this code into the Redeem Code Box "ffcspecialthanks." Once you press Redeem and enter your login and password information, the hoverboard should be added to your inventory.
What you do is go to the pokey oaks south and go to the present place and all that stuff and find number 767 and buy a car or a hoverboard.....and they cost 2000 credits
There is no FusionFall store. But there is FusionFall things you can buy at EB Games, and Gamestop.
sorry there is no cheat for the hoverboard.
It is already :) _________________________________________________________________ FusionFall will be free in April 16
no i really doubt that it has a virus with cartoonnetwork putting a commercial on tv of fusionfall then when you play fusionfall you get a virus i doubt that
Yes, it is. FusionFall will be free in April 16, 2010
Dude!! Fusionfall Asia is not out yet!!
you will have to get a fusion matter generator for fusionfall