Hell rats can be found in the basement of Evil Dave's house. Evil Dave's house is located in the west side of Edgeville, and is surrounded by a fence with a gate in it.
To access these hell rats, you must have started the Recipe for Disaster quest, and have fulfilled the requirements to save Evil Dave.
To catch hell rats, you will need to bring a cat or kitten to the basement, and have it catch the hell rats. You will not receive the rat itself; you may, however, find spices used in making evil stew as drops, which are used during the quest.
The Wilderness volcano.
You can find these Hell Rats in the sewers in Varrock, You can find Varrock by exploring your map, have fun.
a lvl one rat but there may be more lvl ones across runescape sooo,yaa... there is the level 1 spider, rat, and warped cockroach is all the level 1's I've seen
You will find rat burgiss en route to lumbridge via varrock, keep following the path, he is near a broken cart.
Heres what you do: You go and fix it, easy as hell, aye ?
You have to be a member. You buy kittens from this one person. then you can raise them normally or feed them hell rat things that will make them hell cats.
You have to get off the computer
You cant but you can attack it.
hell no
Hell yes he's a rat and his moma is too
yea pretty cool huh? im bomer759 add me on runescape lol...
The Wilderness volcano.
Hell rats can be found in Evil Dave's basement for the quest "recipe for disaster".
You get a hell cat from the quest "Recipe for Disaster". You make your cat "chase vermin" when you are near hell rats and if you do these enough it will turn into a hell cat.
medal box
You can find these Hell Rats in the sewers in Varrock, You can find Varrock by exploring your map, have fun.
a lvl one rat but there may be more lvl ones across runescape sooo,yaa... there is the level 1 spider, rat, and warped cockroach is all the level 1's I've seen