go to cianwood city and rock smash the rocks on the upper part of the island took me like 30 rocks but i finally got one ,and you can also get some in the pokewalker if you have
you can get some as prizes in the poke athlon
Pokeathlon Prize [Wednesday] or Smash Rocks using Rock Smash.
On heart gold, it can be found by smashing the breakable rock beside the pokemon school. I think you can also find it in this location on soul silver.
you go to route 9 and in the grass This is in soul silver only Heart gold players
In soul silver and heart gold you find it in euritik city in one of the houses
You can't get it in the silver version only heart gold
On the pokewalker in some routes
rocksmash in cinawood
you can buy a heart scale at the pokeathalon for like 200 pts. but only on certain days
in the city you battle clarie in the name slipped my tongue
Pokeathlon Prize [Wednesday] or Smash Rocks using Rock Smash.
If you are talking about rock climb- Go to serebii.net If you are talking about a heart scale, they are prizes at the pokeathlon dome
pokemon heart gold and soul silver. and heart gold and soul silver legends
It can be re-taught the move if you have a Heart Scale and take it to the Move Tutor in Blackthorn City.
On heart gold, it can be found by smashing the breakable rock beside the pokemon school. I think you can also find it in this location on soul silver.
Soul Silver: route 36 Heart Gold: trade with Soul Silver
you cant it is in heart gold the red orb is in soul silver
there is no explorer kit in ether heart gold or soul silver, sorry.