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You can't get Gigalith without trading.So sorry.

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Q: How do you get a gigalith without trading?
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What does Boldore evolve into?

Boldore evolve from trading into Gigalith.

When do boldore evolve in Pokemon Black and White?

boldore evolves into gigalith by trading

What level roggenrola evolve?

Roggenrola evolves into Boldore at level 25. You can evolve Boldore into Gigalith by trading it.

Which Pokémon evolve from trades on Pokémon black?

boldore(gigalith) and gurdurr(conkeldurr) evovle by trading not sure if there are any others that are from unova

What type of Pokemon is Gigalith?

Gigalith is a Rock type pokemon.

Is there a trainer in Pokemon white with a gigalith?

No. There is no trainer with Gigalith. I've been around the entire unova region and nobody had Gigalith

What level does gigalith evolve in Pokemon black and white?

Gigalith does not evolve. Boldore evolves to Gigalith when you trade it, rather than at a specific level.

At hat level does Boldore evolve at in Pokemon White?

Boldore evolves into Gigalith only by trading. So you will have to find someone to trade back and forth with so that he will evolve.

What is the national pokedex number for Gigalith?

Gigalith is #526 in the national pokedex, and it is a Rock type Pokemon.

Where would you find a gigalith in Pokemon Black?

I don't think you can just find Gigalith in Pokemon Black.You have to evolve Boldore.

When does roggenrola evolve in Pokemon White?

Rogeenrola evolves into Boldore at level 25 :) Hope that helps--Taylor

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you cant get him without trading