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When you sign up for an account on Club Penguin you are given a free, limited, non-member account.

If you would like full features, you can upgrade to a premium account. To get a free membership, you have to have a certificate or card which includes a code that makes you a member for a month. (The same code cannot be used twice)

Other than that, you cannot have a free account. Club Penguin accounts need to be paid for. You might get a free one as a birthday or Christmas gift from friends or family if you ask nicely.

You can't be a member for free but you can get a free non-member account. If you want to get the free account, just go to log in, and there is a button that says "not a member, join now", "Play Now", or something like that, click it and make a account. Non-members may only play Mini-games, Card Jitsu, and become a Ninja.

If the free account isn't good enough for you, click become a member. The membership only costs $7.95 USD a month, so if you are "addicted to club penguin" you should get it. I would recommend buying a 3 month membership because you may get tired of Club Penguin.

No, Club Penguin is a paid membership web site.

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You can buy club penguin membership codes from the shop but unless you win one in a competition there is no such thing as a free club penguin membership code.

Ecept arctis anticks and prizerebel were do you get club penguin free membership?

You can get a free club penguin membership by going to the website.

How on Club Penguin can you get a free membership without paying?

There is no way to get a free membership on Club Penguin without hacking. (I do not recommend hacking because if you do Club Penguin will ban you.)

What is club penguin membership?

it is a membership to get free stuff

Is there a free membership on Club Penguin?


If you buy a stuffed animal puffle could you get a free club penguin?

no you do not get a free membership you get the puffle that you got. besides club penguin is free (but not membership).

Where can you get a free 12 months membership code in club penguin?

It's not likely that you'll find a place where you get Club Penguin membership for free.

How earn free club penguin membership?

Yes, you can only 'Earn' a free club penguin membership. It is impossible, and illegal, to get it free any other way.

How do you get a years worth of club penguin membership FREE?

It is not heard of getting a free membership i do not think it is possiple. it is possible my frend she is a girl she has club penguin and club penguin gave her free membership my frends buyed membership for six months as i am on Saturday next week and his membership went for more lol its worth buying club penguin club penguin should win national award this is hjc99 waddle on cp