go to the homepage keep clicking log in log out ten times then go to the house of doom - secret you wouldnt of heard of it - then add the man infront of the door he will give it to you
You cannot
Buy the game!
You press ALT + ENTER
No, but you can download planes with 'airstairs' (Stairs)
i don't think you can i have looked for it every where
You cannot
Fsx in just one game where as FSX Gold is Fsx deluxe with the addon pack Fsx acceleration
You can get FSX on your PC by having the 2 CD's that install FSX.
you can get the twin towers into fsx by downloading it or setting the settings for fsx to realistic
firetruck is a truck that puts out fire. or in other case some times people say "what the Fire truck" which is FiretrUCK so the first letter of firetruck and the last 3 letters spell F*ck
to get stairs in fsx you need to press shift+2+3
"fsx" aircraft is usually a phrase used to describe an aircraft included in Microsoft Flight Simulator X (10) which is abbreviated as "FSX"
go to hovercontrol.com - they have one for FS2002 but its works with FSX
i am pretty sure that you can't eject from a plane on FSX... or at least the version i have
You have to move the firetruck under the box. Drop the box ontop of the firetruck and then drive the black car onto the firetruck. Drive the firetruck to the trash bin and let the black car go drive into the trash. Stop the firetruck under the ambulance and then drop the ambulance onto the firetruck. After that just park the ambulance in the parking spot. It might take a couple times to get the cars to balance ontop of the crate without falling over.
Yes, several companies make firetruck themed bedding sets.
No, FSX is a simulation game, you can't unlock planes in games like that.