The two animated capes in Runescape are the the Fire Cape, and the level 120 dungeoneering cape.
No I'm afraid, seems you have to re-do the minigame to retrieve a new one.
There are many level 3 accounts with a Slayer cape.
if your account is 5 years or older you should be able to obtain a veterans cape
99k if u have 99 in that skill.
The two animated capes in Runescape are the the Fire Cape, and the level 120 dungeoneering cape.
Actually, the Gilded armor very well matches the fire making skill cape.
There is only one way to get a fire cape on runescape and that is to kill tok-itz-jad in the fight cave in tzaar city, unless you have a combat lvl of 105 or higher i suggest you don't do this as he is lvl 722.
The best cape in Runecape is the Fire Cape, obtained by killing Tztok-Jad in The Fight Caves. This cape tops that of a Skill Cape in defence and attack stats, and also provides a sturdy Prayer Bonus as well.
Somewhere around 14k on an Ice Wyrm with a Fire Cape, Fire Surge and Subjugation top + Slayer helm.
Buy 3 runescape 07 fire cape service and Get 1 for Free with a Chance at Jad Pet at rsorder Rules: 1. The activity is only valid for the selected fire cape on RSorder, as below: Fire cape requiring 70+ranged, 40+defense, 43+prayer, 50+hit points Fire cape requiring 70+ranged, 1+defense, 43+prayer, 50+hit points Fire cape requiring 60+ranged, 40+defense, 43+prayer, 50+hit points 2. Only those who purchase more than three OSRS fire capes ONCE on RSorder can get one fire cape for free. 3. If a Jad Pet drops when we deal with your order, it will belong to you. 4. After your order for three fire capes is paid successfully, the free one will be completed as the order does. 5. The activity ends on August 16, 2015 at 03:00 AM GMT.
There is loads of different ways of getting the Fire Cape, too many to give you a specific one that would be effective, and it all depends on you combat + Ranged Levels, though all i can say is Range with Guthans is effective.
you need to be a member and have a high hunting level to get a spotted cape.
There is not a black team cape on runescape if there was it would be awesome
No I'm afraid, seems you have to re-do the minigame to retrieve a new one.
On June 25, all RSorder customers have a chance to find more than one Pandora's Box with fire cape old school. Three free rs07 fire capes for 70 range & 40 defense.