Elevators are included in The Sims 3 Late Night expansion pack and can be bought in Build Mode.
You have your selected sim click on the elevator and it should say woohoo with... or try for baby with...
You have to use the elevator many times, then the chances will increase. there is no 100% chance though.
First you'll need to put two people in the elevator. Next you click on the elevator and an option will come up saying 'Woo-Hoo' If this doesn't work, then it will either mean that your Sim doesn't have a good relationship with the other or that it doesn't work on the base game. I hope this helped :)
Lots are out. The sims 3 university, sims 3 nightlife, sims 3 adventures, sims 3 generations... you name it!
No, you cannot have Sims 2 pets on Sims 3. You must have Sims 3 pets for Sims 3 or Sims 2 pets for Sims 2.
The Sims game you can buy an elevator in is The Sims 3. To buy an elevator in Sims 3, you have to go to the building section, where you can also purchase stairs and other construction elements.
There will be an update soon with an elevator otherwise there will be a expantion pack.
sorry, your request is impossible
no i dont think so
you need sims 2 open for business to get an elevator.
You put flooring down, then place the elevator on it, (you have to have walls surrounding the elevator) then you place another elevator on top of the first one :) then when your playing with your sims click the bottom elevator and a tab will come up, you'll know what to do after that!
No. Not at all. There's Try for baby, Skinny dipping, And WooHoo's in the elevator. :)
You have your selected sim click on the elevator and it should say woohoo with... or try for baby with...
You have to use the elevator many times, then the chances will increase. there is no 100% chance though.
Yes you can. You can conceive one in an elevator, hot tub, bed, sarcophagus, and many more sexy places. You can give birth at home, in the hospital, or any other place in the sims 3 town you're in!
First you'll need to put two people in the elevator. Next you click on the elevator and an option will come up saying 'Woo-Hoo' If this doesn't work, then it will either mean that your Sim doesn't have a good relationship with the other or that it doesn't work on the base game. I hope this helped :)
The Sims 3The Sims 3The Sims 3: World AdventuresThe Sims 3: AmbitionsThe Sims 3: Late NightThe Sims 3: GenerationsThe Sims 3: PetsThe Sims 3 stuff packsThe Sims 3: High-End Loft Stuff (The Sims 3: Design and Hi-Tech Stuff in Great Britain)The Sims 3: Fast Lane StuffThe Sims 3: Outdoor Living StuffThe Sims 3: Town Life StuffThe Sims 3: Master Suite Stuff (still in production)The Sims 3 compilationsThe Sims 3 Collector's EditionThe Sims 3 Holiday Collector's EditionThe Sims 3 DeluxeThe Sims 3 Plus PetsSpin-offsThe Sims MedievalThe Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles