yes,you need to get 3000 points in the pokeathleon dome you can also get thunder and shiny stones there
you can find a dusk stone in the ruins of alpha
You can get them at the pokeatholon dome.
Give it a dusk stone.
Have a friend trade a Pokemon that is holding a dusk stone then you can evolve your murkrow
in pearl you use the dusk stone on misdreavus and in diamond you use the dusk stone on murcrow in pearl you use the dusk stone on misdreavus and in diamond you use the dusk stone on murcrow
you can find a dusk stone in the ruins of alpha
You can get them at the pokeatholon dome.
Get a Dusk Stone and use it on Murkrow.
murkrow and another Pokemon
Give it a dusk stone.
It evolves when you use a Dusk Stone on it.
You have to use a dusk stone on it to in order for it to evolve
Fire Stone Water Stone Thunderstone Leaf Stone Dusk Stone Sun Stone Moon Stone Dawn Stone
In Pokeathalon, you need to get 3,000 points. But it will be available in some days.
Have a friend trade a Pokemon that is holding a dusk stone then you can evolve your murkrow
in pearl you use the dusk stone on misdreavus and in diamond you use the dusk stone on murcrow in pearl you use the dusk stone on misdreavus and in diamond you use the dusk stone on murcrow
the only Pokemon that evolve with a dusk stone is... (answer is on bottom) murkrow---dusk stone---honchkrow misdreavus---dusk stone---mismagius and also in unova lampent---dusk stone---chandelure