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Go to ever grande city on the top of the waterfall,use your super rod but if you don't want to do all that just evolve you gloom into a bellossom and how to do that is to use a sun stone get it in the space center.then go to pacifilog town then go to every house and if a girl says"I want a bellossom"and you have one right?So you will trade then you will get a corsola okay!Oh!And you can't get your bellossom back so choose well!:D

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Q: How do you get a corsola Pokemon ruby?
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What level does Corsola evolve in Pokemon ruby version?

Corsola is one of the few Pokemon that doesn't have an evolution.

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Where do you find a corsola on Pokemon LeafGreen?

trade ruby or sapphire

Where is corsola in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can only get a Corsola by trading it from Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald. You can find Corsola in RSE by fishing in Route 128 (super rod), and by fishing at Ever Grande City (super rod)

What type of Pokemon is corsola?

Corsola is a Water and Rock type pokemon.

How do you get a corsela in Pokemon ruby?

Corsola are found in Route 128 and Ever Grande City. Use the Super Rod. It is listed as 'uncommon'.

How does corsola envole in Pokemon shapphire?

Corsola doesn't evolve.

Does corsola evolve in Pokemon sapphire?

Corsola does not evolve. Sorry

Where can you find corsola in ruby?

UR A FAIL. no question needed.

Where can you find a Corsola in Ruby?

Fish with Super Rod on Route 218.

Where can you buy shards in Pokemon ruby?

They can't be bought. You can find them underwater, or attached to wild pokemon. Chinchou have yellow shards, Clamperl have blue shards, Relicanth have green shards and Corsola have red shards.