You can search for it in the wild, get one through a trade or breed a Buneary or Lopunny and find one in the eggs. The other ability Buneary has is Run Away.
No. Buneary kisses Pikachu.
Buneary evolves into Lopunny.
Buneary can be found in Eterna Forest.
buneary needs to have freindship during the daytime!
Buneary evolves into Lopunny. Mine evilved at about level 20.
Strong normal attack like Return + something to beat steel types like Brick Break or Fire Punch. If you're playing Wi-fi, Switcheroo is also a very neat move, especially when combined with Buneary/Lopunny ability Klutz (lets you hold otherwise hindering items like Toxic Orb or Sticky Barb and then give them to the opponent via Switcheroo).
Buneary is called Buneary because the Pokemon is based on a Rabbit (called a Bunny as a nickname) and one of its traits is its long ears. Bun-Bunny+Eary-Ears=Buneary
Klutz Press was created in 1977.
mr. klutz
If you mean buneary on diamond and pearl, I have 15 of them. buneary is a Pokemon only on Pokemon diamond and pearl
In order for Buneary to evolve into Lopunny is that Buneary's happiness has to be 220.
It is possible to get a pink Buneary on Pokemon Platinum. This is because the pink Buneary is Buneary's shiny color. However getting a shiny Pokemon is very rare with a 1 in 8192 chance of a wild Buneary or hatched Buneary being a shiny.
You can find Buneary in Eterna Forest.
No. Buneary kisses Pikachu.
Buneary evolves into Lopunny.
an antonym for clumsy is graceful
Buneary evolves when its happiness value is at 220.