Go to the tailor.
You will need to bring:
2 flax yarn
2 wool yarn
2 silk yarn
and a bunch of money maybe 2000g?
No, but you can name your child the name that you wanted then play a new game as your child by passing on the journey rucksack. -AriCharae
Eggplant is in season during fall for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility
The only cheat I know for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is infinite money.
your game doesnt end until you finish the journey rucksack for your child. When you finish the journey rucksack, your child then leaves the island and your game ends. When your child leaves, you then take over and become your child in the next game.
The game can be played for forever, if you want to, but if you want to move on (after completing the storyline and getting married) then you can give the rucksack to your child and then continue on as them. :3
you can buy a bigger one at Chen's store
you dont "beat" it. it goes on forever. have a kid and do the journey rucksack option you can then play as your child
No, but you can name your child the name that you wanted then play a new game as your child by passing on the journey rucksack. -AriCharae
Nope. Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is for the wii.
go to http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/qna/933022.html?qid=37368 that should help.
you have to see your child fully grown and Hamilton will come and tell you about the journey rucksack and you have to make it the way he tells you to then you have to give it to your child.
It says in your rucksack.
Eggplant is in season during fall for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility
if you have the journey rucksack and you give it to your child I hear you can play as your child. when they are big enough and they will help around the farm when they are big enough.
The only cheat I know for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is infinite money.
Finish one rainbow, then a tailor will come to town. Talk to her to get it upgraded. Go to hmhelper.blogspot.com to get your HMToT questions answered or email him at hmhelper@gmail.com
I'd say harvest moon tree of tranquility.