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You have to copy and paste it

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Q: How do you get a backwards 'Z'?
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You press Z to change direction.

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What is abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz spelled backwards?

zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba ...... yeah i'm sure that's it. why don't you check.

A F Z U G L T?

abcdef = 6 jumps forward zyxwvu = 6 jumps backwards ghijkl = 6 jumps forwards tsrqp O = 6 jumps backwards Answer is O

What is the best way to learn the alphabet backwards?

The best way to learn the alphabet backwards is to treat it like something new. Write out the letters from Z to A and read them over and over until you have learned them. I hope this works for you!

Abcdefg hijklmnop qrs tuv wx y and z?

OK, so know your alphabet. Very good. How fast can you say it backwards?

What is meant by two dimentional motion?

Motion on either the X or Y axis, but not the Z. Meaning it can move up, down, left, and right, but not forward or backwards.

How do you do the alphabet backwards?

You can say the English Alphabet backwards as follows: Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A.

What are the ABC's backwards?

The alphabet backwards is ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA. This sequence is the reverse order of the standard English alphabet, beginning with the last letter "Z" and ending with the first letter "A." Each letter is systematically arranged in descending order from Z to A.

What are the alphabet backwards?

This is easy, you just say it backwards: ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA. Or in non caps: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba.