1.get a sneasel to lv 47
2.put a razor claw on it
3.level it up at night and teach it ice shard
4.when it evolves it will learn dark pulse
hope this helped
You Need A Male Smeargle To Use Sketch On A Pokemon That Uses Pursuit And Then Use Sketch On Another Pokemon That Uses Ice Punch. When You have Done That Breed The Smeargle With a Female Weavile/Sneasel And Wa La You Have A Weavile That Knows Ice Punch And Pursuit But You Need The National Dex To Catch Smeargle Without It You Cant Make Weavile Learn Them 2 Moves Because It Impossible
The way a Weavile can learn Ice Punch is probably if you teach it. Ice Punch isn't a TM so you have to go to Pastoria City and talk to the Move Teacher guy. You have to give him a heart scale in return( you can find heart scales underground).
Probably Weavile, Glaceon, or Mamoswine.
Type your answer here... Ice Beam , Blizzard, and ice shard will freeze other pokemon
Weavile can learn ice punch in heart gold or soul silver by going to a move tutor located in the battle frontier front. It costs 64 B.P points. He cant in black, white, diamond or pearl. Hope I helped :p
Weavile is an Ice/Dark type. !
weavile because it is dark/ice
Weavile is #461 in the national pokedex, and it is a Dark-Ice type Pokemon.
The Dark Pulse, Ice Beam, and Water Shuriken do not work together because of the different interests.
weavile-ice punch, ice shard/pursuit, brick break, night slash latios- luster purge/pyscic, surf, Draco metoer, recover tyranitar- blizzard, stone edge, eq, thunder
It can't evolve by level, but it can evolve while holding the item Razor Claw at night. It can only evolve in 4th generation games and above. (Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HG, SS, etc.)
snover weavile i thinks...
you have to breed a male hitmonchan/medicham that knows ice punch. breed it with a female buneary (it should know ice punch). the buneary has to breeded with a female sneasel/weavile. a sneasel will hatch from the egg. it will know ice punch.
You Need A Male Smeargle To Use Sketch On A Pokemon That Uses Pursuit And Then Use Sketch On Another Pokemon That Uses Ice Punch. When You have Done That Breed The Smeargle With a Female Weavile/Sneasel And Wa La You Have A Weavile That Knows Ice Punch And Pursuit But You Need The National Dex To Catch Smeargle Without It You Cant Make Weavile Learn Them 2 Moves Because It Impossible
Gallade is. Garchomp and Gallade can learn Dark Type moves, and Gyrados can learn Ice.
Kōri no hahen
The way a Weavile can learn Ice Punch is probably if you teach it. Ice Punch isn't a TM so you have to go to Pastoria City and talk to the Move Teacher guy. You have to give him a heart scale in return( you can find heart scales underground).