Make them use the telescope at night - odds are highest at around 2am. Only adult men can get alien pregnant from an abduction. Abductions usually last around 5 sim hours.
Hi, you have to buy a telescope and watch/use it for many sims hours. And sometimes suddenly whil watching the stars, your sim can get abducted by aliens.
Nope. It sucks. But what if they get abducted? On regular Sims if they get abducted by aliens they are pregnant,and my Sim was barfing in the toilet which they also do if they are pregnant.
he comes back pregnant and gives birth to a slimy of alien baby
You purchase a telescope and set it outside.After that go outside at nightime and look through the telescope,hopefully your sim will be abducted. Or if you have Sims 2 Free Time, and your Sim has the knowledge aspiration, in aspiration rewards you will have lifetime aspiration benefits. Click that and if you have enough points, you can get the choice 'summon aliens'. At night click on a telescope and do 'summon aliens'. It might take a while for aliens to come and sometimes they don't come. If a man does summon aliens and gets abducted, he usually gets pregnant. I don't think women do. My women haven't got pregnant from aliens yet, but ALL my men that got abducted have. You have to stargaze for a very long time.
You can't.The only way to meet aliens to have a male sim get abducted and when he comes back,your sim will be pregnant.You won't notice it,but like female sims,in a few days you'll have a baby alien.
normally because your sim was abducted by aliens
look through a telescope at night
Hi, you have to buy a telescope and watch/use it for many sims hours. And sometimes suddenly whil watching the stars, your sim can get abducted by aliens.
Yes there is. If you get your sim to stare through the telescope for long enough then you may be lucky that your sim gets abducted the the aliens but the sims always gets returned eventually.
Nope. It sucks. But what if they get abducted? On regular Sims if they get abducted by aliens they are pregnant,and my Sim was barfing in the toilet which they also do if they are pregnant.
The aliens will drop you off at home after they are done testing. Derekrocks: Omg my sis got abducted and it was so scary!! lol
You have to get a male sim abducted by aliens, by using a cheat or stargazing until he is abducted. Then he will be gone for several hours. When he returns he will be pregnant with an alien child
he comes back pregnant and gives birth to a slimy of alien baby
You purchase a telescope and set it outside.After that go outside at nightime and look through the telescope,hopefully your sim will be abducted. Or if you have Sims 2 Free Time, and your Sim has the knowledge aspiration, in aspiration rewards you will have lifetime aspiration benefits. Click that and if you have enough points, you can get the choice 'summon aliens'. At night click on a telescope and do 'summon aliens'. It might take a while for aliens to come and sometimes they don't come. If a man does summon aliens and gets abducted, he usually gets pregnant. I don't think women do. My women haven't got pregnant from aliens yet, but ALL my men that got abducted have. You have to stargaze for a very long time.
You can't.The only way to meet aliens to have a male sim get abducted and when he comes back,your sim will be pregnant.You won't notice it,but like female sims,in a few days you'll have a baby alien.
You buy the most expensive telescope (there is only 2. Get the second one.) And stargaze out of it at night and then later you will be abducted and brought back. I'm not sure if this works, but that's what everyone says!
You have to get a male sim abducted by aliens. Yes, a male..... First, buy the expensive telescope, and then have the sim stargaze for a LONG time. Eventually, the aliens will come, you will see a hilarious cut-scene, and eventually, the sim will return. After a while, he will show signs of being pregnant, and have a baby.