To get a pichu you must put a male pikachu and a female pikachu at the Day Care and they'll have an egg. Ride around on your Mach Bike and it'll hatch fast.
There are a number of Pokemon that can be bred in the Emerald version of the game. These include Mew and Pichu. The Pokemon must be in the same class and there must be a male and female to breed.
pokemon breeder in route 210 he has pichu, happiny,pikachu
you will not get a Pokemon from pichu and raichu they will just level up but if there was even the slightest chance of a Pokemon appearing it would be a pichu or pikachu
You can't catch pichu in Pokemon emerald,But you can get a male pikachu and a female pikachu or a ditto and breed them, When the egg hatches it will be a pichu
You will need to breed in order to get Pichu one option is to breed Pikachu and Ditto and you'll receive a Pokemon Egg from the Daycare Man that will hatch into a Pichu.
golbat,pichu,azurill,igglypuff, Those are the Pokemon for freindly evalution golbat pichu igglybuff and azurill
He evolves by friendship not by leveling up.
There are a number of Pokemon that can be bred in the Emerald version of the game. These include Mew and Pichu. The Pokemon must be in the same class and there must be a male and female to breed.
You need to transfer a pichu to xd from firered or leafgreen or ruby, sapphire or emerald to have one.
No, only in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and Emerald/Ruby/Sapphire.
Only pikachu, pichu and raichu can learn volt tackle or other Pokemon by Nintendo events
It doesn't do anything, it's just a decoration you put in your hideout. *yawn*
you have to level it up with a good level of happiness thunderstone works in a different game
Actually, quite a few. (It's called FRIENDSHIP, btw) 1. Golbat evolves to Crobat 2. Pichu to Pikachu (breed) 3. Iglybuff to Jigglypuff (breed) These are for Pokemon YOU CAN CATCH in Emerald.
Pichu is an Electric type pokemon.