Some ps3's do not have the capability to play ps2 games. Only certain models on the ps3 have backward compatibility. They can be identified by having 4 USB ports and a Flash Card Reader. Production ceased in August 2008 on any Backward Compatible PS3 Model. That does not mean the PS2 game disc does not fit in the PS3. They are normal DVD sized discs and the PS3 will play DVDs and CDs of movies and music as well as Blue Ray Discs
PS3 models that do not have backward compatibility can not be made to have it. The Sony PlayStation Network support on this matter is quoted from the related link:
"If a PlayStation 3 is not backward compatible, you will not be able to add this function through any hardware (i.e., changing the hard disk drive) or software (i.e., updates, homebrew) upgrades or modifications."
The very first 20 GB PS3 could play PS2 games and so could the 60 GB model that was released with it and those machines are called the first generation PS3 Models. The second Generation PS3 model were the 60 GB Model and the 80 GB model and while they could play the PS2 games it was based on Partially software-based PS2 emulation while the earlier models were Hardware-based PS2 emulation. These 1st and 2nd generation PS3 models all included 4 USB ports and also had Flash memory card readers. The 3rd generation of PS3 models had the 40 GB, the 80 GB, and the 160 GB Harddrives but only 2 USB ports and do not play PS2 games with backward compatibility. The fourth Generation of PS3s are the 120 GB and 250 GB PS3 slim model which do not play PS2 games with Backward Compatibility. The fifth Generation of PS3 models are the 160 GB Slim Model and the 320 GB Slim Model and they also do not play PS2 games, but they were the first 3D and PlayStation Move Models. The 3D and Move capability has been given to all of the earlier models through software updates All PS3 models play PlayStation 1 Games and do so through software emulation. (Wikipedia related link)
These other quotes are from a Digital Arts February 23 2007 article and also a related link:
"When Sony released its PlayStation 3 games console in the U.S. and Japan, it was criticized because despite its vaunted "backwards compatibility" with games for the older PS2 console, it couldn't play them all."
"The version of the PlayStation 3 launched in the U.S. and Japan contained special hardware, notably the PS2's Emotion Engine microprocessor, just to ensure compatibility with PlayStation and PS2 games. Nevertheless, the PS3 was still incompatible with more than 200 PlayStation and PS2 games at launch."
Only the early models or the PS3 had this emotion engine and later models tried to have that function replaced with software that was even less successful. The problem for Sony was not to get a PS2 game to work on the PS3, but to get every game to work perfectly in the PS3. When a PS3 game title does not work on the PS3 the designer of the game has to either correct the deflects or be blamed for the faults. When a PS2 game has problems working in the PS3 Sony needed the cooperation and approval of the game designer to develop Software to allow the game to function. This is not always possible as companies had merged, went out of business, or did not want the older games completing against new games.
The first generation of PS3 had backward compatibility. They removed it. It means you can't play your ps2 games on your ps3 via disks.
All PS3 models play PlayStation 1 Games and do so through software emulation. Also you can not download a PS2 emulator from the PlayStation Store and in the second generation of PS3 models please notice the word partially before the software based PS2 emulation. It can not just be download or copied to your later generation PS3 and expected to play PS2 games.
no it will not work
Yes you can but you need the ps3 game , ps2 rock band game won't work but controllers will . Yes you can but you need the ps3 game , ps2 rock band game won't work but controllers will .
No it is a PS2 game and works on the PS2
PS2 games can not be made to play on a PS3 that does not already play PS2 games
no but PS2 games work in PS3 They only for work for some game titles on 4 USB port PS3s, most of the PS3s do not play PS2 games.
No PS3 game will work in a PS2.
no a PS2 can not play a PS3 game
No it is a PS2 game and they do not work on most PS3 game consoles.
The PS3 controller does not work on the PS2 console
no it will not work
Yes you can but you need the ps3 game , ps2 rock band game won't work but controllers will . Yes you can but you need the ps3 game , ps2 rock band game won't work but controllers will .
No it is a PS2 game and works on the PS2
PS2 games can not be made to play on a PS3 that does not already play PS2 games
No it is a PS2 game and will not work on a PS3 that is not backwards compatable
no but PS2 games work in PS3 They only for work for some game titles on 4 USB port PS3s, most of the PS3s do not play PS2 games.
It's a PS3 game so no the PS2 can never Play a PS3 game. Even when a game is made for both the PS2 and PS3 the PS2 game has less capabilities than the PS3 game