You have to work there to get one. Every moshi owner with a moshi staff sign
means they work at Moshi Monsters.
The 'Owner Name' is the name of the owner of the Moshi Monsters monsters. When you sign up for a Moshi Monsters account, you choose an 'Owner Name' and that is the name you use to Sign In to Moshi Monsters.
mrmoshi (Michael Acton Smith) is the original creator of Moshi Monsters. Mind Candy is the name of the company which owns Moshi Monsters. OR The 'Owner Name' is the name of the owner of the Moshi Monsters monsters. When you sign up for a Moshi Monsters account, you choose an 'Owner Name' and that is the name you use to Sign In to Moshi Monsters.
Have no idea.
on the corner of the moshi monster page, there is 'sign in' wrote there. press on it and ther you go !
You do not have to type in a secret code each time you sign in to Moshi Monsters. The secret code box is there for when you do have a secret code to redeem.
One worker for Moshi Monsters is mcflyiepants. Moshi Monsters staff members have a sign in their rooms that shows they are Moshi Monsters staff.
You can not ask the Moshi Monsters staff to become a Moshi Monsters member. You have to sign up at the Moshi Monsters web site for membership.
She is part of the staff at Moshi Monsters
No. Only Moshi Monsters staff can create codes for Moshi Monsters.
You can not make a shop on Moshi Monsters. Only the Moshi Monsters staff can do that.
No, you can not erase Moshi Monsters, however, if you quit playing Moshi Monsters you can ask the Moshi Monsters staff to delete your account.
Creator of Moshi MonstersMrMoshi MOnstersHead Community MonsterMiss DinkyAssistant Community MonstersbootsySpooky girluni_cornMagsphi1123Monster Moderation TeamglitteringprizeZip2diskUKindigodevilfrazzledLynnipootedderszubergooberlogicaljemflowermisslupitaTech Monstersmc_arghterriblemrtwranglerneenjarylonGoogenhime Art Gallery Curatorcuratordan12349loola4
You will find a full list of Moshi Monsters staff on the Moshi Monsters forum.Monster Moderation Teambaronvonryddleblarfdeglarfboreoflipflopfrazzledglitteringprizeindigoklathmothlogicallynnipoomaverick999misslupitaporcinepigsabrielshadowkris03smitheroozip2diskukzooberguber
You have to be a member of the Moshi Monsters staff in order to have the staff badge in your room.
No. I dont think so because there ist many staff on moshi monsters anyway
The 'Owner Name' is the name of the owner of the Moshi Monsters monsters. When you sign up for a Moshi Monsters account, you choose an 'Owner Name' and that is the name you use to Sign In to Moshi Monsters.
To 'sign up' for Moshi Monsters means you register to become a member of Moshi Monsters. Once you register and activate your membership, you can play on the Moshi Monsters web site.