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you beat the elite four and then go go to the cave next to cerilion city. deep inside it you will find mewto at lvl 70. lower its health and put it to sleep or parilize it and be sure to have lots of ultra balls

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Q: How do you get a Mewtwo in Pokemon HeartGold?
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How To Catch Mewtwo On Pokemon HeartGold?

Cerulean cave

Where is Mewtwo on the game Pokemon HeartGold?

in cerulean cave at the end

Are you allowed to get Mewtwo in Pokemon HeartGold?

yes, in the cerulian cave

What Pokemon is in the cereulian cave in HeartGold?

A level 70 mewtwo.

Where to find the strongest Pokemon in HeartGold?

in curelen cave you get mewtwo

Can you catch Mewtwo?

You can't catch Mewtwo in Pokemon Diamond and pearl and also platinum. But you can catch Mewtwo in heartgold and soul silver

How do you get through cerulene cave in Pokemon heartgold?

you dont you battle mewtwo and get out

Pokemon HeartGold where do you get Dialga?

you dont, its not in HeartGold or SoulSilver, Ho-oh (HeartGold) or Lugia (SoulSilver) take their place. You can also get mewtwo

Where is Mewtwo in pokemon heartgold?

In Cerealean cave after you get all the kanto gym badges

Were is Mewtwo in Pokemon HeartGold?

its in cerulean cave but you have to get all kanto badges first