After you atopt a webkinz, sometimes there is a1000 kinzcash coin in the pet's gift. Hope this helps
You sell it and then you will get 1000 $ for it.
sell it to the wshop
go to the shop then slot it in in the sell bit it works
You can start a roomtheme, buy clothes or you can buy a webkinz studio they are fun...............Hope This Helps!Edit: You can sell it to get 1000 kinzcash. You cannot use it through.- Club Penguin Luvr :)
put it in the w shop and sell it. it will give u 1000 kinzcash!
You sell it and then you will get 1000 $ for it.
PS. Add me on webkinz my user is kaylatt
I sold mine and I got 1,000 Kinz-cash for the coin.
Get lots of Webkinz and in one of the boxes is a 1000$ kinzcash coin. sell it at the w shop
sell it to the wshop
When you receive a 1000 coin in Webkinz from something, you sell it at the W- shop. Or if you want it out of your life, I think you can give it as a gift to somebody else.
go to the shop then slot it in in the sell bit it works
You can start a roomtheme, buy clothes or you can buy a webkinz studio they are fun...............Hope This Helps!Edit: You can sell it to get 1000 kinzcash. You cannot use it through.- Club Penguin Luvr :)
If you go to the W shop, the only thing you can do with it is sell it. It is worth 1000 kinzcash.
My BEST guess would be about 65% of the US has Webkinz and about 45% of the WORLD has Webkinz.
You have to go to the W Shop and buy a Webkinz Studio Tip: Get 1000 Kinzcash to buy that it cost 1000 Kinzcash. Then buy some actors and a background. Then put the Webkinz Studio In your room and click on it. Then follow the instructions.
You can usually get them on the Wheel of Wow if you win it.