you ave to go to one of your units then go to a place type something and press that little button with a person going through a door choose a place and press OK
you have to have a ton of friends
There is no games related to Woozworld. Woozworld is very unique. Movie Star Planet is sort of like Woozworld, but NOT as good.
The end of woozworld story.
because shes the leader of woozworld shes the on who made woozworld thats why
ask a good woozen on woozworld to get free.add me on woozworld miko12390 ill give you free
you have to have a ton of friends
You can buy items by cliking the "catalog" icon at the bottom of the screen.
You go to your unitz, and click the top left icon. Then follow the instructions.
On your Woozworld page click the YouTube icon next to the purple music note. Go onto YouTube and select the video you want to upload. Cut and paste the YouTube url into your chatbar box hit enter. Your video should load to your page.
Go to your profile, click the relationship navigator, click and drag the woozen to the bin icon. And if it doesn't work. Simply try again then it should work :)
Hey! This is how you search for your friends on "Woozworld": First, you find out your friends user name. Then, you click on your contacts button. (In the bottom right corner) There should be a button in the contacts window that says: Add an icon. Click it, then type in your friends user name. I hope I helped!~Pinkfairies10.
Go on world the icon below the chat bar.Click the nationz button in the optionsin nationz we have further categories, choose the category "CORTOZA"There just scroll down and on of the unitz will be Mountain
There is no games related to Woozworld. Woozworld is very unique. Movie Star Planet is sort of like Woozworld, but NOT as good.
The end of woozworld story.
because shes the leader of woozworld shes the on who made woozworld thats why