You can buy them at the w shop. The donut ones are pet of the months. And the collie bone ones are from collie's
You can also get giant bean, jelly bean, and ice cream sandwich from the estore.
You have to get a webkinz figure. enter on the code and the code will unlock woodland wounders in the magical forest. In woodland wounders you click on fairys if your lucky one might just drop a seed!
All the webkinz are posted on Webkinz world.
Yes, webkinz does have webkinz cheat codes!
On the webkinz website why do the webkinz get sad whenever you wash them
It symbolizes the "W" in "Webkinz" to show you that it is a webkinz pet.
peanuts, tofee, and sunflower seeds
blender: apple, licorice, sunflower seeds
blender: apple, licroice, sunflower seeds
you mix peanuts, sunflower seeds, and toffee on your stove
peppermint puppy
It is a blender recipe: apple, licorice, sunflower seeds I swear it is
webbkinz just got a game for your pixie pods
You have to get a webkinz figure. enter on the code and the code will unlock woodland wounders in the magical forest. In woodland wounders you click on fairys if your lucky one might just drop a seed!
It is a Pet of the Month item. You can get it from adopting the pet of the month and you will get a gift bag. You might get it or a different POTM item.
Shabloomers :Fudge Sunflower seeds, and corn flakes Slipinsip: Bannanas+iced tea+jelly for more go to :
it goes like this.oh, webkinz, webkinz, webkinz, the gayest thing on earth,oh, webkinz, webkinz, webkinz, oh it will make you hurl,oh, webkinz, webkinz, webkinz, it is for such retards,oh, webkinz, webkinz, webkinz, completely copied neopetssorry. I'm actually pretty sure it doesn't have a theme song.
when you buy webkinz or webkinz items it unlocks things on webkinz