Get the Eevee from Bill in Goldenrod city and give it a water stone.
Vaporeon is a Pokemon... Pokemon are not real things.... so no vaporeon is not real...
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
Yes, many other Pokemon can breed with Vaporeon. So many that I cannot type them all here. (Well I could but I just don't feel like it). But you can find all the Pokemon breedable with Vaporeon on Just look up Vaporeon and scroll down to the very bottom and look at Egg Groups. It shows all Pokemon Breedable with Vaporeon.
there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.
They are not in Pokemon HeartGold
A water stone
Vaporeon is a Pokemon... Pokemon are not real things.... so no vaporeon is not real...
Poliwhirl to Poliwrath Shellder to Cloyster Staryu to Starmie Eevee to Vaporeon Lombre to Ludicolo
you cant just catch a vaporeon unless you Pokemon modify or cheat. the only way to get vaporeon is to get an eevee and use a water stone on it.
a water stone makes certain Pokemon evolve like these: eevee-vaporeon staryu-starmie shellder-cloyster lombre-ludicolo panpour-simipour poliwhirl-poliwrath
ditto, female eevee, flareon, jolteon, or vaporeon
There is no best Pokemon on Pokemon HeartGold.
Yes, many other Pokemon can breed with Vaporeon. So many that I cannot type them all here. (Well I could but I just don't feel like it). But you can find all the Pokemon breedable with Vaporeon on Just look up Vaporeon and scroll down to the very bottom and look at Egg Groups. It shows all Pokemon Breedable with Vaporeon.
there is no Pokemon Mansion in Heartgold.
You can find information about the Pokemon "Vaporeon" online at the Pokemon Wiki. Once on the website, type "Vaporeon" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.
To get Vaporeon in Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia go to the Almia Castle or Altru Tower