You Need To Use The Pokewalker Accessory. You Will Have To Get 40,000 Watts To Get The Big Forest Route. then Use The Poke Radar Which Requires 10 Watts.
You can get Tropius in Heart Gold by the Pokewalker Tree House Routw or trade it from Saphire, Ruby or Emerald. Hop this helps :)
tropius.. pastoria citys great marsh =]
to catching tropius in emeraldthe only place to catch tropius is route 119 duuhhh
Tropius can be found in the tall grass on the route west of fortree city.
You can get Tropius in Heart Gold by the Pokewalker Tree House Routw or trade it from Saphire, Ruby or Emerald. Hop this helps :)
Tropius is a Grass and Flying type pokemon.
tropius will never evolve because tropius is a Pokemon that does not evolve
No pokemon evolves into tropius nor does tropius evolves into any pokemon.Hope it is helpful.
Tropius is not rare.
tropius is a rare pokemon. but you can catch him near the water institute.
tropius.. pastoria citys great marsh =]
No, Tropius is a one-stage Pokemon. A basic Pokemon is a 2nd stage Pokemon - a Pokemon that has evolved from a pre-evolution, but not yet evolved to its final evolution.
to catching tropius in emeraldthe only place to catch tropius is route 119 duuhhh
No, Tropius cannot evolve in Pokémon Platinum.