You can't get Togepi in Pokemon Yellow. Togepi does not exist in that Pokemon generation. (:
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
Togepi is not a legendary Pokemon.
No, Togepi is not a Legendary Pokémon.
You can't, Togepi doesn't appear in Pokémon Sapphire.
You can't get Togepi in Pokemon Yellow. Togepi does not exist in that Pokemon generation. (:
how to get a togepi in Pokemon platinum
You have to evolve it with its happiness level at 220.
You can only catch it in White Forest. If you have black version, I cant tell you that.
Togepi can be found in white forest (Pokemon White exclusive) but there is no way to catch a togetic in the wild.
It evolves into Togetic and then in later versions of Pokemon like Diamond/White it turns into Togekiss.
Togepi is not a legendary Pokemon.
togepi,machop,abra,ryhorn,aron,surskit and lotad
Togepi is a good name for the Pokemon named Togepi
No, Togepi is not a Legendary Pokémon.
You can only get Togepi in Pokemon Emerald by trading from another game. Togepi is a baby egg Pokemon that prior to Gen 4 was normal type Pokemon.
Togepi is given by a scientist in the outskirt stand.