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Q: How do you get Suicune in Pokemon ruby and Sapphire?
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Related questions

How do you know that Suicune was release Pokemon LeafGreen?

Suicune will appear after becoming pokemon champion and delivering the Ruby and Sapphire to Celio in One Island.

Can you get Entei Suicune and Raikou in Pokemon Emerald?

Entei, Suicune, and Raikou are not available in Pokemon Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire. They can be brought into the game by trading.

How would you know that Suicune was released in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Suicune will appear after becoming pokemon champion and delivering the Ruby and Sapphire to Celio in One Island.

Can you catch a Suicune in Pokemon Emerald?

suicune is a rubbish Pokemon, if ya want it its not in emerald, its in Pokemon silver gold ruby and sapphire, ( they got rid of entei raikou and suicune to make way for rayquaza )

How do you get a cuicine?

Trade Suicune from Silver, Gold, or Crystal to Ruby,Sapphire, or Emerald.Send Suicune From Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald to Diamond, Pearl, Platinum.

Whats the difference between a ruby and a sapphire?

Pokemon Ruby has Pokemon that Pokemon Sapphire does not and Pokemon Sapphire has Pokemon that Pokemon Ruby does not.

Where is Suicune in Pokemon ruby version?

Suicune is not available on Pokémon Ruby.

How do you get Suicune in Pokemon sapphire?

Not available on Sapphire. You have to trade from FireRed/LeafGreen

What legend Pokemon are there in Pokemon omega ruby?

These Pokemon can be found before the National Dex: Latias (Alpha Sapphire), Latios (Omega Ruby), Kyogre (Alpha Sapphire), Groudon (Omega Ruby), Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. These Pokemon can only be obtained in the Delta Episode: Rayquaza and Deoxys. Post-National Dex Legendary Pokemon are: Regigigas, Ho-Oh (Omega Ruby), Lugia (Alpha Sapphire), Heatran, Mesprit, Uxie, Axelf, Palkia (Omega Ruby), Dialga (Alpha Sapphire), Giratina, Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion, Reshiram (Omega Ruby), Zekrom (Alpha Sapphire), Kyurem, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Tornadus (Omega Ruby), Thundurus (Alpha Sapphire), Landorus, and Cresselia.

Pokemon LeafGreen what does ruby use for?

Combined with the sapphire the ruby and sapphire will allow you to trade with ruby and sapphire and emerald.

Pokemon blue what is the ruby?

Pokemon blue to ruby is sapphire.

Is their a way to duplacate Pokemon in Pokemon ruby?

not in ruby or sapphire