Suicune is only obtainable by migrating from 3rd Generation. You must pick Charmander as your starter in Fire Red/ Leaf Green, and Suicune will roam around Kanto after getting the National Pokedex.
The Shiny Suicune was a game stop event held before Pokemon black and whiter where releases. You had to get either suicune riakou or entei at the event of your Pokemon Pearl/diamond/platinum/soul silver/ or heart gold version, and then transfer them to your Pokemon black/white version.
Suicune is not a possible starter Pokemon in emerald you must get a suicune from Pokemon firered or leafgreen.
Suicune is a Water Type Pokemon.
You cannot get a Suicune Egg in Pokémon SoulSilver. Suicune cannot breed.
water and it a aurora Pokemon legendary Pokemon
You have to trade or migrate. You can't catch them in diamond.
Migrate or cheat are the only ways.
if you have Pokemon firered,leafgreen,emerald or ruby in you GBA slot with suciune in the game go to pal park go inside this grassy runny thingy and run around the field and you'l have your suicune migrated to Pokemon diamond
If your Starter is a Charmander, then Suicune will be roaming around the Kanto region just like Cresselia in Pearl and Diamond.
The Shiny Suicune was a game stop event held before Pokemon black and whiter where releases. You had to get either suicune riakou or entei at the event of your Pokemon Pearl/diamond/platinum/soul silver/ or heart gold version, and then transfer them to your Pokemon black/white version.
go to snowpoint city and talk to the gym leader and she will give you a suicune but you have to catch 151 Pokemon to do it. it is very simple i have done it many times
To get them, transfer them from Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green.
you have to release all your ledgendary Pokemon then use poke rader at route 229
Suicune is not a possible starter Pokemon in emerald you must get a suicune from Pokemon firered or leafgreen.
you can get a suicune on diamond and pearl by transferring it from a game like fire red and leaf green i think after you beat the E4 and get lots of Pokemon on the pokedex. i hear it's wise to have a master ball because it can flee battle. however you need a certain starter Pokemon. getting suicune, Entei, and Raiku is supposed to differ by choice of starter Pokemon i hear. (I'm currently trying this one out for one of them but it'll take a bit)
You can't obtain suicune in Pokemon Diamond. You have to migrate it from your Pokemon Firered or Leafgreen. To find suicune in either Firered or Leafgreen you must have the National Dex, and you should have chosen charmander as your starter. Suicune will appear anywhere (except for caves) in Kanto - similar to catching Latias/Latios in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire.
easy all u have 2 do is meet with suicune 5 times and on the fifth time he locks you in battle. if you have diamond pearl or platinum trade a Pokemon from 1 of the three games and make it hold a master ball then use that on suicune and congrats you have you'r own Suicune!