During Emerl's story, enter 75619 in the Sonic Team building password screen.
When you are in the map area, like Emerald Town, and the other places, not during a battle, press the Right Trigger. Then go to Edit Skills, and go to the Attack column and find Ground Power. Then, just pick which Combo Card you would like to use. Personally, I would suggest Sonic Combo. He does a series of punches and kicks and, lastly, does a Sonic Wave (I think that is what it is called, not positive though) which helps dodge E-102r's explosion.
no super sonic
There is no Sonic Pokemon card. Sonic the Hedgehog and Pokemon are two different series that have never crossed over with each other.
Well it's all a matter of luck, I only have 71% of the whole collection, but the best way to start is whenever you get a chance to battle Emerl (against) use the move you want him to learn about 5 times in a row to get the card for that move.
Some Sonic games can be played on almost any laptop. The more demanding Sonic games will require the most up to date software and video card's though.
Input these codes into the Sonic Team building to get KO moves for Emerl.75619Obtain "Sonic Combo" CardyU3DaObtain "Knuckles Combo" CardArmIaObtain "Shadow Combo" CardAhnVoObtain "Rouge Combo" CardalogKObtain "Amy Combo" CardtSueTObtain "E-102" Combo CardZAhanObtain "Cream Combo" CardOTrOIObtain "Tails Combo" card.EkiTaObtain "Chaos Combo" Card
yes there is.To unlock Amy Combo card enter alogK as a password in Emerl's story line at the Sonic Team Building.To unlock Chaos Combo card enter EkiTa as a password in Emerl's story line at the Sonic Team Building.To unlock Cream Combo card enter ZAhan as a password in Emerl's story line at the Sonic Team Building.To unlock E-102 combo card enter tSueT as a password in Emerl's story line at the Sonic Team Building.To unlock Knuckles Combo card enter yU3Da as a password in Emerl's story line at the Sonic Team Building.To unlock Rouge Combo card enter AhnVo as a password in Emerl's story line at the Sonic Team Building.To unlock Shadow Combo card enter ArmIa as a password in Emerl's story line at the Sonic Team Building.To unlock Sonic Combo card enter 75619 as a password in Emerl's story line at the Sonic Team Building.To unlock Tails Combo card enter OTrOI as a password in Emerl's story line at the Sonic Team Building.
When you are in the map area, like Emerald Town, and the other places, not during a battle, press the Right Trigger. Then go to Edit Skills, and go to the Attack column and find Ground Power. Then, just pick which Combo Card you would like to use. Personally, I would suggest Sonic Combo. He does a series of punches and kicks and, lastly, does a Sonic Wave (I think that is what it is called, not positive though) which helps dodge E-102r's explosion.
a card combo can unlock a clue
you have to buy sonic adventure dx, sonic adventure 2 battle, or pantasy star online. sonic advenure dx and sonic 2 battle are for gamecube or you can play them on wii with a controller and a memory card and a gameboy cable.
the cod is akioupe combo
You can't do that unless you have another memory card.
The only way to get them all is by continuously battling opponents. Which card you are going to get is based on luck.
what i know is when you defeat any enemy (like cream) and don´t get any punch( you´ve got a good chance with emerls knockout combo cards) you eventually get a rare crad but normal you must go to the Virtual training of tails and on that rounds you usually get a rare card: 5;10;15;20;25;30...... when you get all these rare cards(i don´t have them i only 12) then having fun emerl is so cool then^^ PS: I hope that was helpful for you the codes of rare cards of sonic team you can google give the following words in: Sonic Battle Sonic Team Codes and then you find usually many of sites where you can read it ^^
no super sonic
The 39 clues is about the Cahill family which is the most powerful family in this world. They have the power to rule the world. The 39 clues is a hunt for the 39 clues that can make a person the most powerful person in the world. These books have cards with unique codes that can be used in the hunt for the 39 clues on the official website.