There's only one Snorlax in the game, and that is in front of the Diglett Cave. To wake it up, you'll need the Pokeflute playing as your radio channel.
Breed a Snorlax
Snorlax is found blocking diglett's cave in vermilion city.
you'll need the poke flute
get the pokeflute app on your radio (in the kanto radio tower) and play it in front of the sleepy snorlax, then talk 2 him
You have to wake up the Snorlax in front of Diglett's cave and catch him. He is holding leftovers.
yes there is only one snorlax in soulsilver
Breed a Snorlax
Play the flute to it.
to awaken snorlax
Snorlax is found blocking diglett's cave in vermilion city.
play the poke flute
snorlax givs munchlax
just walk east of vermillian city.
he has a pickachu, a lapras, blastoise, charizard, venesaur, and snorlax.
use pokeflut