On a Thursday tune into "DJ Ben" on your pokégear and look around in tall grass. 50% of the time, you will find Sinnoh pokemone
You can find combee on some Sinnoh pokewalker routes, and in some places using Sinnoh sound.
As far as I know, the Sinnoh region is not included in Soul Silver.
in heartgold/soulsilver poffins cannot be made since they were only made in sinnoh.
To find Chatot, you need to be listening to the Sinnoh Sound radio station, only on on Thursdays, and go to one of 3 places. These places are The Sprout Tower, The Burnt Tower, and The Bell Tower.
The Sinnoh Sound on the radio plays only on Thursdays after you have defeated Red.
The Sinnoh Sound radio station will be playing on Thursdays.
You can find combee on some Sinnoh pokewalker routes, and in some places using Sinnoh sound.
You have to have arceus to get to sinnoh but only once
you cant
You can't go to the sinnoh region.
As far as I know, the Sinnoh region is not included in Soul Silver.
No, only jhoto and kanto
There is no sinnoh region in heartgold or soulsilver, it is only Johto and Kanto.
you can't you have to trade
You can't.
In the Sinjoh ruins of alph?