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In reference to the Game, You would need the sim tower bundle CD

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Q: How do you get Sim Tower onto your computer?
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How do you interview a sim on Sims 3?

You can interview sims if you are in the journalist, or policing jobs. To interview a sim, you need to get a better relationship with them. When you are ready, click the sim you want to interview (Not a family member) and click "Question". There, you will begin to question them. If they show a "--" in red, then that means you need to get to know them better before you can interview them. After you have, go onto a computer. From there, click " Writing", then "Report On..".

How do you make your sim a wizard and not a nobal on sims medieval?

Get a wizards tower, click on it and select 'make new wizard'

How do you block bsnl sim in online?

To block bsnl sim in online one can go to the computer security settings or their anti virus settings and add the bsnl sim in to their block list to prevent it from showing up online.

How can you make a sim have a crush on another sim without it being mutual in The Sims 2?

This way usually works for me, when in neighborhood view bring up the cheat bar (ctrl+shift+c) and type in 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' and press enter. Then go onto the lot where the sim you want to have a crush is. Then invite round the other sim and greet them. Click on the sim who you want to have a crush and go onto their relationships, then click and drag their relationship with the object of their crush up to 70-80 on daily relationship and the lifetime relationship bar (the lower one) must be below 60. Then have your sim check out the other sim or scope the room repeatedly to get them to have a crush on them. Do not interact with them romantically as you will either get rejected or the crush will become mutual.

Can you create a Sim in Sims 3 Ambitions?

As with every expansion or stuff pack for The Sims 3, you can create a Sim in Ambitons. If you can't do so, the problem may lie in your computer.

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How do you install Sim City 4 Deluxe onto a Flash Drive to make it playable on any computer?

You copy the Sim City folder onto your flash drive and enjoy!

Transfer phone numbers from sim card to sim card?

Way 1- Get a plug n plug it into the computer, put all the memory onto a computer... unplug it then put in the other sim card n plug it into the computer n take all that memory u just put on the computer n move it on 2 the sim card Way 2- Buy a USB stick that u can insert a sim card into the end of it, then put the memory that u want on the sim card onto the usb stick

How do you make a sim teen live on its own?

Go onto the computer and click on "find own place" this should make them move out.


Your SIM card will have your number embedded in it. Copy any data you want to keep - onto a memory card or upload it to your computer. Slot the SIM card into the new handset, then - either slot the memory card into the new phone, or copy the data back onto the phone from your computer.

How do you transfer pictures from your computer to your phone?

Either use a usb, or buy a bluetooth connector for your pc, and transfer it that way, if your phone has bluetooth of course.

Can you insert your SIM card into your computer?

You can but you would need a sim card reader connected to your computer.

Can you download music without a sim card?

Put the SIM card in your sim card reader, (If you have one. If you don't it doesn't cost much just buy one at a local store.) and insert it into your computer. It shows up under 'my computer' and you can drag and place mp3 files into a folder. (Which you may need to create.) Hope this helps! ^-^

Does your computer and tower have to match?

Your tower is your computer. If you are asking if the monitor and computer have to match the answer is no. You can use any monitor with any computer.

How do you go onto another sims's lot in the sim's 2?

In truth, you can't go onto another sim's house lot. You can go on to a business lot they own, but not their house.

Can you put a sim card in a mac computer?

The possibility of putting a sim card into a mac computer is going to depend on what kind of computer and what kind of sim card. Some models might work while others may not.

How do you save stuff from your I phone to sim card?

You cant, you can only move contacts from the sim card but not back onto it.

Is the sim 3 for 360?

No. It is for the computer.