To get SimPoints you must purchase them via The Sims 3 Store or Best Buy etc.
USD 10.00 + tax = 1,000 SP
USD 20.00 + tax = 2,000 SP
USD 40.00 + tax = 4,000 SP
*USD (U.S Dollars) SP (SimPoints)
To get free simpoints you need to purchase the sims 3 10th anniversary edition( which is the same as the sims 3) and sims 3 World Adventures, though you get the free simpoints if you buy one aswell, you do not need to buy both.
You get 1000 points when you register Sims 3 online. After that, however, there is no way to get free simpoints because they are how EA makes money. Some competitions online, run by the Sims creators, will give out items that cost simpoints, and some Simmers 'gift' items to other players.
To know how many SimPoints you have on the Sims 3, simply log into your Sims 3 account. At the top right hand corner of the page, you should be able to see your point balance. If not, trying clearing the cache on your computer and try again.
what you do is during gameplay or at the store sit on the sims 3 .com you can pick an item you like and if you have enough simpoints you can buy it
Simpoints are similar to money that your can only use to buy custom contents in the Sims 3 Store.You can either purchase them in actual money, credit card or you receive it upon buying expansion packs with a registration code.
To get free simpoints you need to purchase the sims 3 10th anniversary edition( which is the same as the sims 3) and sims 3 World Adventures, though you get the free simpoints if you buy one aswell, you do not need to buy both.
Simpoints are basically money and you can use them to buy things from the store. You get 1,000 Simpoints when you create an account. (In Sims 3)
You get 1000 points when you register Sims 3 online. After that, however, there is no way to get free simpoints because they are how EA makes money. Some competitions online, run by the Sims creators, will give out items that cost simpoints, and some Simmers 'gift' items to other players.
To know how many SimPoints you have on the Sims 3, simply log into your Sims 3 account. At the top right hand corner of the page, you should be able to see your point balance. If not, trying clearing the cache on your computer and try again.
No - I registered a new Sims 3 game on my old account and got another batch of 1k simpoints. My old game was broken so I had to buy a new game.
Yea But Only If You Register Sims 3 Or Sims 3 World adventures Also If Some One Gifts You Them :D
what you do is during gameplay or at the store sit on the sims 3 .com you can pick an item you like and if you have enough simpoints you can buy it
No, It only costs if you buy Simpoints or games. If you have another EA game you already have a Sims 3 account.
When you register your game it is automatically there.
Simpoints are similar to money that your can only use to buy custom contents in the Sims 3 Store.You can either purchase them in actual money, credit card or you receive it upon buying expansion packs with a registration code.
I love the Sims 3, anyway, I have no idea. Those downloads are cool, but I can't buy those things. I have nothing but 25 Sim points..
sign up for an account - it's free- just follow the instructions, then on your page, it should say something like, do you want some free simpoints and you click on it and there you go