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Shynx can be found on some pokewalher routes, and with Sinnoh sound.
You can catch Shinx in SoulSilver by playing "Sinnoh Sound" from your Pokegear on Thursdays after unlocking the National Dex. They are found in the National Park, on Routes 1, 2, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 29.. Another way is that you can go to the safari zone (after you become owner) and go to the plains and place 10 shrubs. Get a lvl 40-42 pokemon , use max repel and go run through the grass and eventually a shinx will show up (you can catch many pokemon in the safari zone even hoenn and sinoh pokemon if you put the right materials in the right areas)

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Q: How do you get Shinx in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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What Pokemon does shinx breed with?

Shinx can breed with an Eevee. I'm not sure what other Pokemon Shinx can breed with.

What type of Pokemon is shinx?

Shinx is a electric type

How do you get shinx on SoulSilver?

there is a route on the pokewalker called sinnoh field go on there and battle wild Pokemon one migh be a shinx this alse works for Pokemon heart gold. or if you got diamond/pearl/platinum if you can find someone else with a ds and ask them if you can burrow it you can trade it over

Can you catch shinx in Pokemon black?

No, Shinx is exclusive to pokemon white and is found in the white forrest. You can trade though with someone who has caught Shinx in pokemon white

Is shinx a legendary Pokemon?

course s shinx isn't a legendary Pokemon x

Are there Sinnoh Pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

Yes, there are Sinnoh Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Kricketot, Buneary, Shinx, Luxio, Budew, Buizel, Floatzel, Chingling, Bronzor, Bronzong, Chatot, Carnivine, Pachirisu, Riolu, Skorupi, Hippopotas, Gible and Croagunk are all available in the wild in both HeartGold and SoulSilver.

How do you have a female Shinx for your hero in Pokemon Explorers of Sky?

Shinx, as the hero/partner Pokemon, can only be male.

How do you be shinx on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 3?

male:hasty no female shinx

What level shinx evolve in Pokemon?

Shinx evolves at level 16

What type of Pokemon is Aqua-Shinx?

There is an Aqua-Shinx, actually. It is a fan-made Pokemon on the Pokemon adoptable site, Pokefarm, and it was given out as an event. That would make it Electric and Water because Shinx is Electric and Buizel is Water. (these are The two Pokemon that make Aqua-Shinx up.)

Can you get a shinx in Pokemon Emerald?


What level does shinx evolven in Pokemon pearl?

Shinx evolves in lvl 15 in a Luxio.