You need waterfall, which can be obtained in sootoplis's cave origin. Or get a goldeen or seaking.
Pidgeot with goldeen/seaking
It evolves to Seaking at lvl 33. -Croaty
It evolves at lv 33 into a seaking.
I dont think he can but I know that NidoKing can besides NidoKing is better than Seaking on anyday!!!
You need waterfall, which can be obtained in sootoplis's cave origin. Or get a goldeen or seaking.
you have to evolve it first to a seaking at level 20 at level 29 it learns hydro pump trust me i did it.
There is girafarig, oddish, pikachu, gloom, rhyhorn, houndour, goldeen, seaking, wooper, flaaffy, and more! Have fun catching pokemon!
Goldeen evolves into Seaking.
seaking... you didn't know that?he or she evolves into seakinghe or she evolves into seaking
seaking... you didn't know that?he or she evolves into seakinghe or she evolves into seaking
Seadra does not evolve into Seaking. Ever. Period.
Seaking does not have to be at a specific level because it is not capable of evolving further.
Seaking is #119 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water type Pokemon.
Goldeen evolves at Level 33 in Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, Emerald, Pokemon X and Y and Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.