You need to have it at night. And I believe you need a gba transported Pokemon for it to work. I'm not sure what Pokemon though.
tap the tv at night. it will get rotom out.
You can catch a Rotom at night by talking to the tv
152: rotom (platinum pokedex) 152:chickorita (national pokedex) you can catch rotom when you examine the tv in old chateau between 8pm and 3:59am
You can get rotom by in the haunted house near eterna city and after 8pm and go to the one witch has the scary picture on and press A at the tv and you should get rotom. Rotom can be caught by a normal great or ultra ball
Pokemon #152 in Pokemon Platinum is Rotom. He can be found inside the Old Chateau which is located in the norhtern end of the Eterna forest. (Right near the Eterna City exit.) Go up to the top floor of the Old Chateau and then Rotom is in the second room from the far left. Interact with the TV and Rotom should start a battle.
To encounter Rotom in Pokemon Platinum, check the TV in the Old Chateau at night.
tap the tv at night. it will get rotom out.
Old cateau the tv at night
You can't obtain a Rotom in Pokemon Soul Silver. Instead, you have to trade it from Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, and Rotom appears near the TV in the Old Chateau once you get the National Pokedex in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.
the old chateua inside the tv there is a rotom
You can catch a Rotom at night by talking to the tv
At night in pokemon platinum go to the haunted house using cut and go into the upper floor/lower floor and go into the room that have the TV and if it is night , as I mentioned go click/ touch on the TV and then rotom will appear!
no trainers have a rotom on Pokemon platinum. you are the only one who can catch it. to obtain rotom you must go to the old chatea between 8pm and 12pm (I think these are the right times) and go to the room upstairs in th middle with the tv. press a when your facing the tv and rotom will attack. If this doesnt work you should have gotten a paper in your platinum game case that tells you how. Hope this helps!
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152: rotom (platinum pokedex) 152:chickorita (national pokedex) you can catch rotom when you examine the tv in old chateau between 8pm and 3:59am
I'm assuming you mean electrizer. you get one by catching rotom in a TV in the mansion in eterna forest. rotom will be holding one.
Go to the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest. Go into the room with the TV. Rotom SHOULD be in front of the TV.