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Q: How do you get REGI fire on ruby?
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How do you catch regi's?

In Leaf Green and Fire Red, you can't. You must trade them over from Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald.

Where do you get regi rock regi steel and regi ice on ruby?

One is found in the currents, but you need dig.

How do you get regi gigas on Pokemon ruby?

You can't get regigigas in ruby.

What legendary Pokemon can you on Pokemon ruby?

I only know Regi rock,regi ice,regi stell and raquaza

Where do you get a regi ice on Pokemon diamond?

You can only get regi ice in sapphire,ruby,and emerald.

How do you catch regi rock regi ic and regi steel on firered?

you don't you must trade from Emerald, Sapphire or Ruby.

How do you catch the three Regi's?

You get ruby and give it to me

Where are the ruins in pokemon ruby?

for regi rock it is in the desert for regi steel it is on route 120 for regi ice it is on route 105 hope that helps:P

Is ruby the same as emerald in getting regi's?


Where do you find the Reggis in Pokemon Fire Red?

if ya talking about the regi Pokemon you haf to trade from ruby/sapphire/emerald. DISHO never herd of reggis

Where do you find regi gas?

In the snowpoint temple you need the 3 regi's from ruby,sapphire and emerald to wake up regigigas.

How do you get regi ice on Pokemon platinum?

migrate it from ruby, sapphire, or emerald