get the upgrade in the rocket warehouse on Five Island and then trade to another GBA game and then it will evolve. (porygon can be bought at lv. 18 at celadon game corner, and must be holding upgrade to evolve.)
you can't. dubious disc is to evolve porygon 2 into porygon z, porygon z is a sinnoh Pokemon and leaf green only goes up to hoeen
Upgrade,which is an item,is an item that when held by a Porygon and is trade the porygon evolves to porygon 2
An Up-Grade is an item that evolves the Pokemon Porygon when Porygon is traded while holding it. Porygon evolves into Porygon 2.
You give it to a Porygon and trade it, to get a Porygon 2.
if you give it to a porygon 2 and then trade it it will evolve into a porygon z to get a porygon 2 you must give a upgrade to a porygon and then trade it and it shall evolve!
You must evolve Porygon (From Celadon) using the UpGrade to Porygon 2.
you cannot evolve a porygon2 in leafgreen
you can't. dubious disc is to evolve porygon 2 into porygon z, porygon z is a sinnoh Pokemon and leaf green only goes up to hoeen
It evolves porygon to porygon2
Porygon evolves while being traded while holding an Upgrade.
Upgrade,which is an item,is an item that when held by a Porygon and is trade the porygon evolves to porygon 2
You need to trade a Porygon holding an Upgrade.You get an Upgrade from Silph Co building.
there is porygon-2 but not porygon. porygon-2 is in oil field hideout
give it to a porygon and trade it to another person and it evolves into a porygon2
you can only buy it from the game corner in the city with erika
you trade it while holding an up-grade.
To get Porygon in Leaf Green you must have 6500 coins. Go to Game Corner in Celadon City and exchange your coins for a Porygon.