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Train a Beldum to level 33 then train Metang to level 50 to get Metagross.

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Q: How do you get Metagross in Emerald?
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What is the strongest non legendary Pokemon in emerald?

Metagross with all-physical moves + agilityAnswerI think its Salamance,Milotic and maybe Metagross

How do you teach metagross thunderpunch?

The only way to teach metagross thunderpunch is through a emerald move tutor. The only way in pearl is to migrate one that learned thunderpunch through the move tutors in Emerald.

What Pokémon does Steven have on Pokémon emerald?

he has skamory,Metang/'Metagross,Amarldo,the cradilly and aggron.

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How do you get meteor mash in Pokemon emerald?

get beldum from steven and evolve it into metagross and train it until it lerns the move

What is the best battle frontier Pokemon team in Pokemon emerald?

I'd say machamp latios metagross

When does metagross learn metor mash?

Depends on the version you're playing. Considering you're playing ruby, sapphire and emerald(cos its under that catergory), metagross should learn meteor mash at level 55.

Which level beldum evovle in emerald?

It evolves to Metang at level 20. Then, Metang evolves to Metagross at level 45.

When does matange evolve in emerald?

Did you mean Metang? Because if that's the Pokemon your talking about it evoles level 45 into a Metagross.

How do you get Metagross on Pokemon pearl?

You must... A.Trade Over Wifi B.Tranfer it over from Ruby,Sapphire or Emerald (after evolving it first)