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== == catch a tyrouge(fire red or leaf green)get all of your stats to acertain number and if you got the right number he will evolve,you can also get one from a karatie guy via fire red and leaf green. glad 2 help ps. i still dont have 1 but im rising its stats...happy shopping 4 stat rasers

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Q: How do you get Hitmonlee in Pokemon Emerald?
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Tyrouge on Pokemon Emerald?

That is really quite simple. All you have to do is breed a Hitmonchan or a Hitmonlee in Pokemon FireRed or LeafGreen and trade it on to Pokemon Emerald.

Where do you find hitmonlee or hitmontop on Pokemon emerald?

You can't, you have to trade from LG/FR

How do you catch trogue the Pokemon in emerald?

you can't catch it in the wild. you can only get it when you breed hitmonlee, or hitmonchan with a ditto

Where can you get hitmonlee in emerald?

Trade one from firered or leafgreen.

What level does hitmonlee evolve in Pokemon soul silver?

Hitmonlee doesn't evolve...

What Pokemon can learn dive in emerald?

Here is the list of all the pokemon that can learn dive by TM:

What is the national pokedex number for Hitmonlee?

Hitmonlee is #106 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fighting type Pokemon.

What does hitmonlee evolve into in Pokemon?

Hitmonlee cannot evolve any further, nor does it have a Mega Evolution form.

What episode of Pokemon does hitmonlee fight with hitmonchan?

Episode 29, the Punchy Pokemon, has a match between Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan (featuring Anthony, and Ash gives his Primeape to him).

What lvl does hitmonlee evolve at Pokemon XD gale of darkness?

Hitmonlee is not capable of evolving in XD Gale of Darkness.

How can you get a tyrogue in Pokemon leafgreen version?

breed hitmonlee or hitmonchan in four islandBreed hitmonchan or hitmonlee with a ditto in the daycare.

How much is your hitmonlee Pokemon card worth?
