Go to Stark Mountain and when you see Buck (who is a total idiot which i freakin' hate) help him through Stark Mountain by teaming up with him (you should buy at least 5 max repels to make it quicker).
Then, he ditches you and greedily takes the treasure!
Now you must go to his house (which is beside the poke center in the survival area) and he'll go to Stark Mountain again, so you follow him and Heatran will be at the end.
So, email me for more cheats at this address:
(I wonder what happened to Buck.)
(Heatran does look like he had a great snack...............0=..............THIS IS TERRIBLE)
you guys have no life at all....... but if you look carefully heatran has buck teeth ...... harm i wonder how that happened Go to the back of stark mt.
getting to heatran(walkthrough)Answer:Getting prepared:NOTE: YOU NEED TO HAVE DEFEATED ELITE 4 BEFORE CATCHING HEATRAN!!!!!You need a Pokemon arround 75-85 that can last a long time with a heatran lv 70.Get a Pokemon that knows yawn or sing anything that can make heatran go to sleep. I used uxies yawn. Any attack that can paralyze him sleep him freeze him, but not burn nor poison.
You also need a Pokemon that knows (rock smash, strength, rock climb, and surf.)
ITEMS:master ball (if not used 1 already) if you have used it take around 60-70 ultra balls, take around 10 timer balls, premiere balls(don't underestimate the power of these balls, they have lower rates in catching Pokemon but they can sure catch legendaries)note: to get prmiere balls, buy 10 regular pokeballs or 20 i think, and they are gonna give you 1 premiere ball. also you need around 75000$ money to buy potions repels etc.
any type of repels(just have a lot)potions(any kind)pokeballs (ultra balls, timer balls, premiere balls)Getting started:okay you have everything you need. head to survival area, pass it then you should see some grassy area and mountains, pass through it, there are some trainers, until you reach an area, where you have to surf, surf throught it(you should see a house, then when you reach other side there should be a grassy area, head straight up you should see some bycicle ramps, pass through them, you should also see some trainers awaiting, try to be carefull.note: if you notice its going to start to rain ashes, so itll mean your going the right way
After passing trainers and the samll house, go up the stairs, use bike to pass cored or bike bridge....
note: youll see a dude named buck that's also going to stark mountain to get magma stone.
head up straight don't go left and pass ledge cuz youll go back to the beginning ad fight many trainers. youll see a black belt trainer, then youll see a dragon tamer i think, then theres gonna be a grassy area, and at left theres going to be the entrance to stark mountain. do this part until you see another entrance and youll seeyour rival (type name here) standing by. enter it then youll see buck again, and he'll ask you if u acompany him. say yes and figure the way there. srry i don't remember, then when u reach the cave where buck gets magama stone, heatran is not going to be there. Head out back to survival area and talk to bucks grandfather then buck. Buck goes back to leave magma stone wher it is.
NOTE: repeat process to go to stark mountain and when you reach the place wher buck took the stone your going to see heatran there.
note: it took me 3 ultra balls to catch heatran!! i guess it's luck, but he was a sleep.
Hi I'm improving the answer this guy is right about everything but the poke balls, for me I caught him with my a few dusk balls and he didn't have any status problems. U should bring 20 to 30 dusk balls, these are realy realy good against Heatran and Giratina.
ANOTHER BİG NOTE:When Buck takes the Magma stone stay there. İf you don't stay and go out Heatran wont come
Heatran is located in stark mountain after u get the national dex and beat the elite 4. u then go to snowpoint and take the ship and go then take the northern route then turn right when u reach survival point. then go up the mountain and guide buck to the end of the cave. then get out of the cave talk to bucks grandpa then buck (they are in the house next to the pokemart in survival area) then go back to the end of the cave and viola. save BEFORE he is very hard to catch!!!!you find it in spear piller
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] ==
No. It was introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
You can't. You need to get Heatran from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum and then trade to heartgold and soulsilver.
He should be in his house.
it's heatran and you can only get it in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
you find heatran in starkmountain
catch other Pokemon
not if you kill it
] ==
No. It was introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl
No, there is only 1 Heatran in Pokémon Diamond.
You can't. You need to get Heatran from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum and then trade to heartgold and soulsilver.
He should be in his house.
You cannot find Heatran in Pokemon White. But if you have it in Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum you can simply trade it.