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You to the place where you find giratina in diamond and pearl after you beat the game and go in the cave where you came out when you caught it, get past the 3 pillars in less than 30 rooms and there should be a portal to go back to the distortion world after the 3rd pillar and its at the end of the distortion world

PS: this is how I got mine but look on YouTube on how to get the Grisceous Orb on Platinum

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Q: How do you get Giratina in sky form on Pokemon platinum?
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How do you use the Griseous orb in Pokemon platinum?

give it to Giratina and it turns into its Sky form

Is giratina good?

Yes, Giratina is a good Pokemon. It is one of the legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum and Explorers of Sky.

What team should you have on Pokemon platinum out of all the legendarys?

Diagla,Palkia,Giratina,Heatran,Mew, and Shaiman(sky form)

Can you trade a sky shaymin or origin form giratinna to Pokemon diamond from Pokemon platinum?

Actually you can trade Shaymin and Giratina to Diamond/Pearl from Platinum but if you do - Shaymin will revert back to its Land Forme and Giratina will revert back to its Altered Forme.

Does platinum have new Pokemon?

Giratina's Orgin form, Shaymin's sky form, and the 5 Rotoms Rotom wash, cut, heat, frost and spin.

What are the legendary Pokemon on Pokemon Platinum?

Rotom, Giratina Dialga, Palkia, Cresellia, Arceus, Darkrai, Shaymin, Mesprit, Uxie, Azelf Giratina altered Form and Shaymin sky form. Although Arceus, Darkrai, and Shaymin are not available anymore, they were just event Pokemon.

How do you get a shaymin sky form on Pokemon Platinum?

YesYou Can Get Shaymin Sky Form In Pokemon Platinum With A Cheat Code That Is A Special Flower.

Will there be new Pokemon evolutions in Pokemon Platinum?

Giratina will have 2 new forms and Shaymin will have a Sky Form. There are 5 new Pokemon coming out. Since it's just a remake it probably won"t

Can you transfer the regigigas of the movie Giratina and the sky warrior in your Pokemon Platinum?

yes because it was an event for people to taske it to you

How do you get Giratina to change form in pokemon explores of time?

you cant but you can in explorers of the sky by getting giratina's special orb

How do you get Giratina orgin form in Pokemon explores of sky?

By visiting certain dungeons. Sky peak is one of them.

Shaymin sky form?

You can get Shaymin in sky form only in Pokemon Platinum Version.