

Best Answer

by going into old chateau after finishing poke league and finding the room with the scary painting

or you can trade a medicham with a girl in snowpoint city and she will give you a 35 haunter and you can evolve it from there. this is the harder way
Answer: Go to Old Chateau, in the Eterna forest,go to the left side room (be sure to have repels) go to the the door you will see this painting with red eyes.I dont know how to get it though. Or, 2. Go to the spring path, go this cave, you'll find a cave with millions of Haunters.Catch 1, trade it with a friend, trade back, and TA-DA!! You now got one!! Answer: Go to Old Chateau, in the Eterna forest,go to the left side room (be sure to have repels) go to the the door you will see this painting with red eyes.I dont know how to get it though. Or, 2. Go to the spring path, go this cave, you'll find a cave with millions of Haunters.Catch 1, trade it with a friend, trade back, and TA-DA!! You now got one!!

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Q: How do you get Gengar in Pokemon Diamond?
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Where to get Gengar Pokemon diamond?

you get him someow in the lost tower

How are wild Gengar obtained in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Sorry to say, but Gengar is not obtainable in the wild.

How does haunter evolve on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar. you trade him. and he will evolve into gengar.

Were to find Gengar on Pokemon diamond version?

You can't find gengar in the wild, you have to get a haunter and trade it.

How do you evolve haunter in Pokemon diamond?

You trade haunter to get gengar.

How do you get Gengar in the room with the red eyes in Pokemon diamond?

press a

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Alakazam Gengar Kadabra sneasel sandslash

Can you trade Pokemon from Pokemon diamond to soul silver like haunter to get Gengar?


How do you get a gengar in Pokemon diamond pearl?

Get a Haunter and trade it with a friend in the Union Room, then it will evolve into Gengar if it doesn't have an everstone.