i don't really know but i think you get banned
garys sister, the house next to yours in pallet town, ask her
well theres cliff mod rocket mod fishy mod night blood gultch mod jerrassic park mod sniper mod no gun mod spiner mod bumper cars elite mod pelican mod echo 116 and more i dont know because you can make your own mods
umbreon,arcanine,blastoise,electivire,golem,nidoking,nidoqueen,scizor,alakazam, kingler, and skarmory
You can not get into the famous penguin's account because every time you try it the password changes.
Gary's mod is a Steam exclusive
Garys Mod was Created By the Valve Game Company, founded By Gabe Newell. Valve is also the creater of the popular first person shooter Team Fortress Two. Valve also created the popular gaming network and store Steam.
No, it cost $10, but sometimes it becomes $5 around Christmas time.
PG Medium level violence Gaming experience may change online ;)
It is easier to run minecraft because minecraft does not require much graphics rendering. Garys mod is run using steam and most steam games have heavy graphic needs.
You go into garys room play with his animals
No, there is not any games like gary's mod, but there is JBmod....a different version of garys mod, find it here. (see related link) It requires HL2 (Half life 2) so if you want another game like it, you have to buy HL2.
it is invention
Garys password changes every week And you should not bother looking for it its a big waste of time.
Garys pass for November is clubpenguininventor2010. use it. it works! try it. im not lying!
20th January