For Diamond & Pearl, you'll beat the Elite Four and Cynthia then go to Hearthome City. (Not sure if you need to complete the Pokedex and get a Pokeradar.) Go to the house next to the Pokemon Center. (You should save right next to a girl with blonde hair inside the house if you want a female Eevee. Their rare. Eevee's are usually male.) Talk to the blonde, she's Bebe. Bebe will give you an Eevee. For Platinum, you will arrive in Hearthome City. I never really played Platinum before so I'm not sure if you get an Eevee when you arrive in Hearthome City, but if you don't, go to Bebe's and talk to her, she'll give you one and you don't have to beat the Elite Four. Hope I helped!
Christine $ Anabel ;D
You have to have it in the SINNOH Reigon to evolve it. Between 7:00PM - 12:00AM, Eevee will evolve to Umbereon IF YOU LEVEL IT UP ON A HIGH FRIENDSHIP LEVEL.
sinnoh pokedex: #163 is eevee. you can find eevee in Mr.Backlot's garden. (depending on the Pokemon of the day) National dex: #133 is octillery. i don't know where to find it. Sorry!
You need water stone to get vaporeon, thunder stone to get jolteon and fire stone to get flareon. To get espeon, eevees happines have to be max and then level it up in day. Same thing to umbreon, but in night. Level eevee up in moss rock (its in sinnoh) to get leafeon, and level eevee up in icy rock (its in sinnoh too) to get glaceon. Moss rock is in eterna forest and icy rock is in route 217.
In Pokémon HeartGold, you can only evolve Eevee 5 ways which would be: Using a Fire Stone on an Eevee into to evolve it into a Flareon, use a Thunderstone on Eevee in order to evolve it into a Jolteon, use a Water Stone on Eevee in order to evolve it into a Vaporeon, evolve it into Umbreon via level-up at night (which is between 8PM and 4AM) when it's happy enough and evolve it into Espeon via level-up during the day time. You can also evolve Eevee into Glaceon and Leafeon however evolving Eevee into Glaceon or Leafeon is not possible in "HeartGold" or "SoulSilver," Eevee can only evolve into Glaceon via level-up when it's near the Ice Rock which can only be found in the Sinnoh region near Snowpoint City and Eevee can only evolve into Leafeon when it's near the Moss Rock which can only be found in the Sinnoh region which is in the Eterna Forest.
A Ditto and a Vaporeon will result in a baby Eevee.. The baby Eevee can evolve into 7 evolutions. Flareon with the Fire Stone Vaporeon with the Water Stone Jolteon with the thunder Stone Espeon if you level it with high Friendship during the day Umbreon if you level it up with high Friendship during the night Leafeon if you level it up in Eterna Forest near mossy Rock in the Sinnoh Region. You may have to trade it to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum for this to Happen. Glaceon if you level it up near ice covered rock on route 217 in the Sinnoh Region. You may have to trade it to Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum for this to happen.
You need to evolve Eevee near Mossy Rock in the Eterna Forest, which is in the Sinnoh Region.
Glaceon. It is the ice form of Eevee. To get it, you must level Eevee up on Route 217, and it will then evolve into Glaceon.
in D/P get the national dex then go to bebes house and get eevee or in Platinum just go to her house because he is in the Sinnoh Dex
You have to have it in the SINNOH Reigon to evolve it. Between 7:00PM - 12:00AM, Eevee will evolve to Umbereon IF YOU LEVEL IT UP ON A HIGH FRIENDSHIP LEVEL.
Yes you can. They are in the Trophy Garden. You MUST talk to the man that owns the garden. He may say that he saw an eevee in the garden. The man next to him will say somethings then go outside. The eevee has a 5% chance of showing up all day. It will be Lv. 22 or 24 Note: This can be done be for the sinnoh dex is done. Note: Eevee is needed to finnish the sinnoh dex Note: You can still talk to Bebe inside of her house near the Pokemon Center in Hearthome City and she'll give you an Eevee. It will be Lv. 20. It was level 5 in D/P. This can also be done before finnishing the sinnoh dex This is a link for the list of Pokemon you can/need to get/see in sinnoh befor finnishing it:
You have to conplete the sinnoh pokedex then go to hearthome city and talk to bebe. she will ask you if you want an eeve click yes. p.s. leave an open place for eevee
Eevee's number on the Kanto (National Dex) is 133. It's number in the Johto Dex is 184. It's number in the Hoenn Dex is 288. It's number in the Sinnoh Dex is 163.
sinnoh pokedex: #163 is eevee. you can find eevee in Mr.Backlot's garden. (depending on the Pokemon of the day) National dex: #133 is octillery. i don't know where to find it. Sorry!
You need water stone to get vaporeon, thunder stone to get jolteon and fire stone to get flareon. To get espeon, eevees happines have to be max and then level it up in day. Same thing to umbreon, but in night. Level eevee up in moss rock (its in sinnoh) to get leafeon, and level eevee up in icy rock (its in sinnoh too) to get glaceon. Moss rock is in eterna forest and icy rock is in route 217.
In the Sinnoh Pokédex, the following electric types can be caught:Shinx (Luxio -> Luxray)Pichu (Pikachu -> Raichu)Elekid (Electabuzz - Electivire)*Jolteon (Eevee -> Thunderstone)**Platinum only
SoulSilver HeartGold: Goldenrod City Kanto Games: Celedon City On Roof Hoenn: IDK Sinnoh: Trophy Garden
Eevee's the only one native to Sinnoh. However, you can evolve Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, and Lombre.