that is easy you have to beat dragon history with every character including ubb and as a bonus you get ubb by defeating kid bud with a super spirit bomb NOTE you must kill him with the spirit bomb
well you hav eto unlock dragon arena ... must register, it's free. Or you can simply use google to look for them.
it isn't for the ps3. It is on ps2 and it plays on the ps3. so you could play it on ps3. As to where to get it, cheak Game Stop. I just bought that very same game for ps2, a week's ago for 20$
I haven't played the game but I have a magizine that tells me disc fusion is a feature for the ps2 that lets you unlock all the characters from every tenkaichi into tenkaichi 3. Please note that the feature is only for ps2, not the Wii.
Yes only when in max power mode kick your enemy up chase them then press triangle twice on ps2 and i think b on the Nintendo wii
well you hav eto unlock dragon arena ...
there is no budokai tenkaichi 4
Action Replay
flea market
maybe in two month
game stop or eBay
Maybe it is a bad game disc Dragon Ball Z Budokai 2 by Atari is made for the PS2 and should work in the region the game was designed for
A Dragon ball Z Budokai 3 Mod for the ps2 game its not available for public yet in 2011 or 2012
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 but is only available on PS2 and Nintendo Wii !!
you have to beat the whole dragon adventure in 3 mode
on ps2 you hold down l2, if not go to training and you can find out
there is not gonna be one its time to upgrade to 360 or ps3