After you beat the elite 4, go to celestic town and talk to the elder. Bring both the adamant and lustrous orbs to spear pillar.Plz send feedback!
After you catch Giratina, go to Celestic town and back to the Spear Pillar. A blue or purple cristal will be floating will be seen. The blue or puple crystal will be Dialga or Palkia. To catch the next one leave Mt. Cornet and re-enter Spear Piller. The next Dialga or Palkia will be there. I only say Dialga or Palkia because I don't remember which one comes first.
Palkia is bad and dialga is good
You can't get Dialga and Palkia in Emerald.
You can catch Palkia in Pearl and tranfer Dialga to pearl from diamond.
yes just get the orbs in Mt. Coronet after completing the Sinnoh Dex
Capture palkia in peral, dialga in diamond, and giritina in platnium
After you catch Giratina, go to Celestic town and back to the Spear Pillar. A blue or purple cristal will be floating will be seen. The blue or puple crystal will be Dialga or Palkia. To catch the next one leave Mt. Cornet and re-enter Spear Piller. The next Dialga or Palkia will be there. I only say Dialga or Palkia because I don't remember which one comes first.
Dialga and Palkia. You have to battle the Galactic Leader and then catch Giratina. They will be waiting at the spot where you catch Dialga in Pokemon Diamond. You will battle Dialga and then Palkia, both of them being at lvl 70. Be sure to bring some ultra balls or master balls if you have any. Hope this helps!
Dialga you can barely hear palkia's.
Palkia is bad and dialga is good
You can't get Dialga and Palkia in Emerald.
seriously dialga is nothing against palkia belive me i have tried
Dialga, Palkia, Arceus, and giratinaare not in this game
after u get the national dex and catch dialga and palkia and the three lake Pokemon talk to oak in eterna and they apear on ur map
The Spear Pillar.