You will need to trade for Charizard or you will need to migrate one from a previous Gameboy Advamced game in order to get it into Pokémon Pearl.
You don't. The only way to get Charizard on Pokemon Pearl is to migrate one from the Kanto Reigion.
There is no way of getting a Charizard in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. You can transfer a Charmander from Fire Red to your copy of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. A Charmander, Charmillion and Charizard can all be found in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver as a wild pokemon.
You have to Beat Prof.Oak and Beat him with a Pokemon with "Rough Pearl" Attached to it.
You have to battle a legendary Dragon-Pokemon in Pearl. You will have the greatest chance by facing Giritina, Diagla, Palkia, Darghina, Charizard, or Ghalstone. (Darghina, Charizard, and Ghalstone are not legendary Dragon-Pokemon, but they will supply you with a dragon scale).
charizard is a fully evolved pokemon.
You can't catch a charizard in pokemon pearl.
You don't. The only way to get Charizard on Pokemon Pearl is to migrate one from the Kanto Reigion.
Migrate it!
Charizard is a fire type of Pokemon in the Pokemon universe. To get one in Pokemon Pearl, you have to trade it.
There is no way of getting a Charizard in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. You can transfer a Charmander from Fire Red to your copy of Pokemon Diamond, Pearl or Platinum. A Charmander, Charmillion and Charizard can all be found in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver as a wild pokemon.
No. Fire red is a GBA game and Pearl is a DS game.
yes you can but i don't know how
Charizard cannot be caught in the wild in Pokemon Pearl, but you can transfer Charizard from LeafGreen, FireRed, Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald to the Pal Park. Then you could catch it.
You have to Beat Prof.Oak and Beat him with a Pokemon with "Rough Pearl" Attached to it.
You have to battle a legendary Dragon-Pokemon in Pearl. You will have the greatest chance by facing Giritina, Diagla, Palkia, Darghina, Charizard, or Ghalstone. (Darghina, Charizard, and Ghalstone are not legendary Dragon-Pokemon, but they will supply you with a dragon scale).
I dont think you can. You have to either migrate it or trade it
i hate your face ----------------------------- i agree