give it a TM that you get after you beat the elite 4 (at least that's what my friend told me.)
Roserade can only learn extrasensory through breeding. If you have a Pokemon that already knows that move, try to breed it with Roserade.
It still doesn't!
i don't think so
well, to tell the truth budew isn't all that great. you should either evolve it, or start out with turtwig if you want a grass type. if you need to beat water types, get a shinx and evolve it into a luxray, which hase a better selection of moves than budew.
the moves budew learn are as followed up to level 16 when it hatches :absorb level 4 :growth level 7 :water sport level 10 :stun spore level 13 :mega drain level 16 :worry seed after them my budew evolved at level 21 so I guess there the moves it learns. it then evolves into rosellia and then into roserade. roserade is awesome and is one of the coolest Pokemon ever
It doesn't
Roserade can only learn extrasensory through breeding. If you have a Pokemon that already knows that move, try to breed it with Roserade.
It still doesn't!
In Platinum Version, Budew learns Mega Drain at level 13.
Level 44.
a Roselia
i don't think so
Only the following Pokemon can learn extrasensory in Pokemon pearl. Hoothoot Notcowl Chimecho Bronzor Bronzong Uxie Mespirit Azelf
well, to tell the truth budew isn't all that great. you should either evolve it, or start out with turtwig if you want a grass type. if you need to beat water types, get a shinx and evolve it into a luxray, which hase a better selection of moves than budew.
it can learn fusion flare extrasensory blue flare crunch Draco meteor and dragon pulse and loads more
Budew evolves into roselia.
Pokemon usually say what their name is. For example Pikachu says Pikachu when it talks, Budew says Budew.